Thursday, April 12, 2007

Failure is doing the wrong thing at the right time..!!

The deepest human defeat suffered by human beings is constituted by the difference between what one was capable of becoming and what one has in fact become......!!!

Was I capable of becoming something I want. I wanted to become everything.!!

Whatever happens take it
Life does not happen to you
It depends how you search for it
You feel it when u start searching
For the strongest of hearts
Breaks at times
In search of life
The ever going search
The fame, love and
So called peace of mind
Yet the biggest of blows
When you don’t expect them
Leaves you crippled
Makes you feel
Lonely in a dark tunnel
With no one beside you
No one to talk to
No one to comfort you
All but you and darkness
Complete darkness
But never fear darkness
It means there is light somewhere.....!!!

The search shall never be complete
The quest depends
Depends on you
What you think
Your inner voice
It will never fail you
Listen to it
It will get you where you want
For it is you
It is your choice
With proper effort
With proper understanding
The future is always in our hands
The future is the past
That returns through another gate....!!!

Don’t waste your sorrows
They teach us many more things
Than everything else can do
Never be contend with anything
Your growth will be limited
Give your maximum
It matters the more than all
The vicious cycle will repeat itself
For times to come
Do not regret anything in life
For it’s your results
Whatever your are done with
Nobody forbids it from doing
Your mistakes
Are the best mistakes
And the best masters
Learn from them
For they make you worth living
But wait and watch
For time is the greatest healer
Nothing can cure you as time does
Whatever the mistakes may be
The sorrows may be Time will take care of ......!!!

Thursday, April 5, 2007

MBA - Master of Bad Activities....

There was a poor soul which breathed only dreams , not small ones but big ones ...........REALLY BIG ONES.....!!

After succesfully heaping a lot of failures and not wasting any one of them, he decided to take a PG course in Management..... (note: if at first you dont succeed, you try management) and he started to search for reputed institutes to start afresh in life........

I*** (reputed institutes in the previous para has no connection) invited him with a lot of bang...(the high tea and the "annual report of SA* (??????)" created a damn good opinion about the kind of ppl and the place).......... and gave him hopes that he's gonna join a elite group in preparing himself to be practising manager and businessman after a few yrs......

The first few days were the honeymoon period with all fun and no work.. little did he realize that the honeymoon period would last for almost more than 6 months... with very little knowledge gained , with no leadership and with a few wonderfull *******tes, ..........

OH NO.....!!the course is only for around one and half yrs.....

what could the poor soul do.......?? It made him to think about MBA...

Is MBA - Master of Business Administration or a degree to be admired and used only in marriage invitation.... or is it something else...??? If so, what is it...??
Is it solving case studies....?? (discussing other people's work)
Is it working in groups...?? (so that individuals could avoid blame)
Is it group discussions ......?? (to boast our knowledge)
Is it talking finance.....?? (finance guys always talk in decimals to prove they have a sense of humour)
Is is entrepreneurship.....?? ( what ship is it by the way...??)
Is it people management .......?? (baby-sitting..)
Is it marketing .........?? (Liar Liar)
Is it a placement agency...??

/// IS IT A COMBINATION OF ALL///..........???????

Or is Management just common sense....???
